Anime Review: Seven Deadly Sins
So this anime was obviously not meant for me. I mean I am a girl and I love anime but some parts of this anime did seem like they were meant to appeal more to young men. If you watched it you'll get what I mean. That being said the bits that were supposed to appeal to young men were so outrageous and unexpected it was shockingly funny, like how 'Little Britain' is shockingly funny. In a kind of "Oh No he didn't" kind of way. The "relationship" between Melodias and Princess was well a little... um... inappropriate for my prudish sensibilities BUT IT'S AN ANIME, so... anyway I digress....
"The Seven Deadly Sins were once an active group of knights in the region of Britannia, who disbanded after they supposedly plotted to overthrow the Liones Kingdom. Their supposed defeat came at the hands of the Holy Knights, but rumors continued to persist that they were still alive. Ten years later, the Holy Knights staged a coup d'état and captured the king, becoming the new, tyrannical rulers of the kingdom. The third princess, Elizabeth, then starts out on a journey to find the Seven Deadly Sins and enlist their help in taking back the kingdom.
- Wikipaedia

Paul watched this before I did and what he described was just like.... What? A princess and a giant girl and a talking pig and a fairy and an immortal. OK, OK, OK, stop, this sounds stupid. I cant watch that. Sooo, one night I was bored and looking through Netflix for an anime I missed on Crunchy Roll and thought I'd see if it was worth watching. The description was insane and I gave it one episode. Twenty Four episodes later I was glad I did.
I really enjoyed this much more than I thought I would. By episode two I wanted to see more. I didn't need to hold out for my 3 episode limit. I enjoyed meeting new 'Sins' as the story progressed and their individual back stories were compelling. I loved King and Diane the most and at the end found them such a sweet duo. Diane's fighting abilities were off the hook and I think of all the sins she was the coolest as her magic manifested itself more physically with earth and dirt so it was more interesting to watch than bright flashes of light etc. The animation style was the type I like and the imagery as they travel with their ginormous pig with a tavern on its back(I know absolutely nuts right!) was beautiful to watch. Lots of forest and little villages and then a cool castle at the end.